Political Education and Communication – Christian Kvasnicka inspires pupils

Classes are more than just education at the Bilingual Junior High School. A recently added extra curricular activity, Political Education and Communication, will be having some spectacular guest speakers coming to address the pupils.  One of the objectives of the new course is to invite guests who have not only achieved high public positions but also awards of recognition.
Our first guest speaker was Prof. Christian Kvasnicka, who has not only been awarded the Goldene Verdienstmedaille des Österreichischen Roten Kreuzes but also the Decoration of Honour for Services to the Republic of Austria (große Ehrenzeichen für die Verdienste um die Republik Österreich).
He spent an afternoon speaking to the children about his life, the history of art and how to create a masterpiece. The students were duly impressed, and awestruck about the world of art and its makings.