
Office Party?

folder_open2024-2025, 4th years, General
We have our school’s Open Day every year in November, and it has become tradition for a selected number of fourth-year pupils to act as guides for the visitors. This is no easy task, as they need to be able…

“Schulterblick” cycling courses

folder_open1d, 1e, 1f, 1st years, 2024-2025, 2d, 2nd years, General
Over the last two weeks, four classes (2d, 1def) have attended cycling courses in Wiener Neustadt run by Schulterblick, a Viennese organisation dedicated to ensuring that children have the necessary skills and knowledge to ride safely in traffic. The courses…

Choir – Christmas Concerts

folder_open2024-2025, General
The school’s choir will be performing Christmas carols on the following  dates: 06.12. Adventmarkt WN, Beethovenallee, 5:30-6:30 pm 19.12. Haus der Barmherzigkeit, WN, 10 am 20.12. Christkindlmarkt Leobersdorf, 5-6 pm Save the dates! The photos are from the opening of…

No Plan(et) B

folder_open2024-2025, General
Die Schülerinnen und Schüler der Bilingual Junior High School in Wr. Neustadt arbeiten jedes Jahr an Projekten zu gesellschaftlich relevanten Themen, wobei in diesem Schuljahr der Fokus auf „No Plan(et) B“ liegt. Das dazugehörige Logo, das in einem Zeichenwettbewerb ausgewählt…

2d On the Ropes!

folder_open2024-2025, 2d, 2nd years, General
On Thursday 10th October 2d took the train and bus to Wartmannstetten to try out the high ropes course. After some team-building exercises the class got kitted out with climbing harnesses and helmets. We then received some basic training and…

BJHS Podcast wird vorgestellt

folder_open1st years, 2023-2024, General
Der School Podcast wurde bei den Presentations am vergangenen Donnerstag erfolgreich präsentiert. Im Turnsaal in Form eines kurzen Teasers per Video & Beamer mit begleitenden Worten von Dir. Martin Glanzner und Andreas Pirringer als Projektleiter, wurde das Team für die…

4d and the Rax

folder_open2023-2024, 4d, 4th years, General, Hiking, Wandertag
4d recently spent Friday night at the Berggasthof at the top of the cable car on the Rax mountain. We took the train and bus to the Hirschwang and then took Austria’s oldest cable car up to the top. The…

Happy Birthday, Mr Bieber!

folder_openArt, General
Markus Bieber ist nicht nur Religionslehrer an der BJHS, sondern auch ein begnadeter Künstler. Sein vielfältiges Repertoire reicht von Cartoons, Fotografie, Plakatgestaltungen und reicht hin bis zu Akt-, Natur und Portraitbildern. In der Bilingual Junior High School stellt er nun…