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1d and the Big Semmering Adventure
On Friday 16th June 1d, accompanied by Mrs Fasching, Mr King and Macey, took the train up to Semmering and walked along the Bahnwanderweg to Breitenstein. The weather was not particularly friendly to begin with, but a short film about the…
Click Me Invitation to the 20th Anniversary Presentations
22nd June 6:00 pm in the school gym Save the date and come to our 20th Anniversary Celebration of the Bilingual Junior High School We travel back in time and show you excerpts from the last twenty years. All of…
Click Me 4e in Edinburgh
From 7th -13th May the pupils of 4e were in Edinburgh with Mrs Schneidhofer and Mrs Huber for their language week. The weather behaved itself unusually well and even the sun almost felt warm (well, relatively…), so all of the after…
Click Me Altenmarkt Part 3 – Thursday
Our last full day in Altenmarkt has been another great one. After their morning lessons and a good lunch the pupils did a treasure hunt, answering questions as they made their way through the town. This was followed by a…
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