4d and 4f in Ireland – Days 1 and 2

From 22nd to 29th April, 4d and 4f are enjoying a language week in Ennis, Ireland. After a long trip on Monday we arrived safely in Ennis at around 10 pm and soon the kids were picked up by their host families and whisked off into the night. All seemed to go well, with no problems occurring and the next day we met at school at nine in the morning.
The classes have separate programmes, but after their normal classroom lessons in the morning on Tuesday, the afternoon tour of Ennis was conducted as one large group. We learned a few interesting things about the town and its history, including why it ended up with an outsized courthouse – and it’s not because there are lots of criminals here! No, as legend has it, the architect also designed a courthouse for a city in India, but the plans got mixed up… Sounds like the architect was almost as well-organised as Mr King…
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4d and 4f in Ireland – Day 3

